How Music and Computers Work Audio CD/Book set by Erik Holsinger Price: $29.95 ISBN: 1-56276-215-X AUDIENCE: Anyone who is curious about how music and computers work together in the mediums we experience on a daily basis will be interested in this book. All music enthusiasts, musicians and video and film buffs, will benefit from this clear guide that demystifies the technology of music and computers. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Erik Holsinger is the author of MacWeek Guide to Desktop Video and a former senior editor of the features section at MacWEEK magazine. He runs his own video and audio production company, Musical Imagery, and has written dozens of articles on multimedia, video, and audio topics for MacWEEK, Publish, New Media, and other publications. He lives in San Francisco. Pages 200 Available: 10/94 Trim Size 8 1/2 x 10 3/8